Thursday 13 August 2009

Hungarian Wine: An Undiscovered Gem

Hungary's wines are not well known in the broader consumer market, and because they are undiscovered, the price you pay for them is still reasonable.

Hungarian wine-making dates back 2,000 years, Klara Sztakovics, export promotion manager for Wines of Hungary, an industry marketing agency said “’Wine’ is the first written word in Hungarian history,”.

There are 22 distinct wine regions in Hungary and 14,000 wine producers, said Ms. Sztakovics. “There is a unique taste for every wine region,” she said. “Everyone can find the wine style they like from Hungary.”

Hungarians love their own wines, consuming 75 percent of the national output. Customers in the European Union buy much of the rest.

Realistically, there is little chance of importing mass quantities of Hungarian wine to the U.S and other countries as the wines are not a mass produced product so quantity is limited. However the scarcity of Hungarian wines makes them all the more appealing.

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